Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fear Not Album

Last month I went to a week-end scrapbooking retreat and took a class to learn how to make this album. It had all kinds of neat folds and I don't know if I could make it again even with the instructions! We used a line from Cosmo Cricket and I sooooooooooo fell in love with this paper that I couldn't imagine "ruining it" with pictures! So I decided I would write my favorite bible verses in it. (and then proceeded to procrastinate!) And that brings me to today... I have been really grumpy lately...and very sad too. And if I'm really honest...angry for no reason and oh so very hurt. I know myself, and if I don't deal with this it could easily turn to depression. I know the solution but I've chosen to ignore HIM lately. So this is me right now, giving myself the kick in the pants that I need! Finally, I've turned back to Him and His word...finally, back to the truth. Maybe some of you need these words today too. Just replace my name with yours and let these verses touch your heart and be encouraged!

I must allow God to change me and give Him the freedom to work in me according to His plans and purposes in whatever time slot He chooses. 

For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you "Do not fear I will help you" Isaiah 41:13

For God has not given me a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

His love never fails!

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate me from the love of God. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither my fears for today, nor my worries about tomorrow- not even the powers of hell can separate me from God's love. Romans 8:38

Did I mention how much I LOVE THIS PAPER!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful book. Those are amazing words. We all have times in our lives when we need to read and hold on to those verses. It is great to have them all in one place so that they can be easily accessed. Thanks for sharing. By the way I have more paper if you would like some.
