Thursday, November 10, 2011

She Art

 Introducing my very first She Art Girl! If you don't know what She Art is you're just going to have to go to Christy Tomlinson's blog and find out. Christy offers an amazing on-line 4 week workshop where she teaches all kinds of really neat stuff. This month I get to take her She Art 2 workshop and I am very excited about it! Go on over there and sign up, worth every penny!

Making these flowers was one of my favorite parts. I stamped them in black on old music paper, cut them out and painted them with red ink. The middle was done with Smooch. I then did the unthinkable (for me) and doodled all around them. It's one of the things I learned in the workshop and now I'm addicted! It's so free-ing to just do it and not think about it!

The bubbly effect in the background was done with a texture spray (GooseBumps ) and by drying it with a heat tool. (it actually sizzled!) I loved it so much I think I will have to bring it into the shop. (you can see it better if you click on the image,)


  1. That is gorgeous, I love the colours, the cross of words, the different textures and papers, the whole thing.

  2. Thank you Carolyn, I decided to just go for it without worrying about every little detail and I loved it!

  3. This is an awesome work of art!!! TFS!
