Saturday, August 4, 2012

Journey Across the Northern Hemisphere Blog Hop

Welcome to the Journey blog hop around the UK, Canada and the United States.  We are a group of ladies who met through an online business course and other creative courses.
We have chosen Journey as the theme for this blog hop.  It’s a word that can be interpreted spiritually, physically, literally and creatively and we hope you will enjoy your journey as you hop around our blogs.
Here’s your itinerary:
Marjolaine (you are here)
 Who knows what you may find as you travel across the northern hemisphere today!

Hebrews 11:8 NLT
It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going.
This is where I'm at right now. I'm on a journey, and I don't know where I'm going. I'm taking one scary step after another, in obedience. I know where I hope it will lead me but I don't actually know where the final destination is going to be. That is why I chose this quote by Rosalia de Castro to put on my layout. "I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it" Although I'm a little nervous about the direction I'm going in I can't help but be really excited about all the possibilities.  Like Abraham, I am putting my faith in my all-knowing God, trusting that He knows what He is doing and has His best for me in mind.
As I write this there is a song that keeps playing in my mind so I will leave you with it.
For a chance to win a bag of embellishment please comment on this post and become a follower of this blog. (and if you are on Facebook, I would love for you to "like" my fan page!)

I'm praying for you as you journey through this life, now please hop on over to Paula's blog and be blessed!


  1. Thank you so much for joining in with this blog hop. I have never seen that quote before but it is very apt. And I just love Jeremy Camp.

    1. I enjoyed this hop, thank you so much for putting it together!

  2. love your post and you writing about Abraham...everything God told him to do seemed impossible and a bit wacky but God was true to His this song too...thanks for sharing!!! love and hugs!

    1. "everything God told him to do seemed impossible"...yes, I can relate! I'm so glad that God is true to His word!

  3. beautiful scrapbooking layout. I love the quote you used and your reference to Abraham and the scripture where the Lord tells him to go. I have just been in a similar spot - relocating from a lifelong time in New Jersey to being a new resident of Delaware. God has blessed us so much since we have arrived here. Satan has tried to steal our joy by throwing wrenches into the mix but God is good and we are enjoying our new residence.

    1. we've relocated many times and it's never easy. I'm praying that you would be blessed beyond measure in your new place!

  4. Marjolaine, you are walking in the best of journey's ! One that God promises will lead you to prosper. May you always have the boldness it takes to walk as you follow His path for u!

    1. Thanks Nana, I'm very excited about where He is taking me!

  5. Thank you for sharing your faith walk. It reminds me that we need to step out into the unknown sometimes. In your layout, I like how you used the half circles under the photo to support it on the page.

    1. I'm been fun stepping out into the unknown with you!

  6. Lovely thoughts - God fashions all the roads we travel - and He does that for all of us. It is scary to follow - but I am always reassured by the love He has for me. Thanks for sharing your walk.

    1. Thanks Gina, it's always so good to be reminded of His love!

  7. I love that quote. I have often said that if I knew where my journey was going to go then I wouldn't have wanted to travel it, and yet I am confident that it has gone where it had to go.

    1. I keep second guessing myself about all this but I really think I'm heading in the right direction so I'll keep walking by faith! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Love this layout and that quote! So glad we walk by faith, not by sight!

    1. I totally agree but I have to admit that sometimes I wish I had a little more sight!

  9. I Enjoy your blog and have become a follower. I am finally (I just turned 60) finding and loving joy in Christ. May you continue to experience His love and be excited about every day.
    God Bless

    1. Thank you for this reminder and welcome to my blog!

    2. Audrey, you are the winner for this post, please e-mail me your address!

  10. Your work is so beautiful and I cannot wait to see where this path leads you.

  11. I am touched, inspired and, yes, even moved by your work here, Marjolaine! May you also receive His blessings as you journey!

    1. Thank you for stopping by Kay, I'm glad you are around for this crazy journey of mine and love that I can follow your journey as well!
