Monday, September 16, 2013

Mixed Media Canvas with Gina's Designs and MD Metal Sheet

Hello blogger friends!

I started this canvas last Friday and I knew I wanted words in the middle but I had no idea which ones. On Saturday I went to the Beth Moore Simulcast and as soon as I got there I saw the words no longer and quickly looked them up. I knew right away they were going on this canvas. At the conference she had Romans 6:14 as a reference but I decided to use Romans 6:6 instead. Although 6:6 has the words "no longer" as well, I've decided that I would like the original verse so I will be changing it on my canvas. I'm allowed to change my mind right?!

So here's the verse:

For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.

So now, a little about the canvas.

I started off by adhering one MD metal sheet to my 12x24 canvas.

I added some texture with a stencil and modeling paste.

I sprayed some ink,


Sprayed more ink, followed by a few sprays of water to make it runny.


Added these lovely doilies from Gina's Designs and then had a blast embellishing the canvas!
For my letters I used left-over paper ones that I covered in gesso, stamped and inked. The flowers are made from FabScraps flower paper pads, the metal accents are from FabScraps as well. And last but not least, the gorgeous chipboard is from Gina's Designs.

I would love to hear your thoughts, please leave a comment!


  1. Okay this is so fun and amazing. You did an awesome job!

  2. Thank you Shanna, this was definitely one of my favorite canvas to work on!

  3. I love it- the art, the scripture , the thoughts behind the art! Beautifully done Marjolaine!
