Monday, November 25, 2013

CHA Canadian Designers Retreat Part One

Hello blogger friends,
This past week-end I had the awesome privilege of attending a retreat for CHA designers, educators and creative professionals. I wanted to give you a little taste of what that was like!

We arrived on Friday night and decorated our badges, I wish I had photos of all of them. It's amazing what people can do with Duck Tape and bling! We then had a fun ice breaker to get to know each other better and went off to a class that I will talk about in a future post.
Our little craft time was followed by a wine and cheese sponsored by Coats and Clark. I'm not a drinker but it sure was lovely!  

The accommodations were perfect. We had the whole building to ourselves and the rooms were really nice.

Each of us had to bring 3 of our best pieces, I found it impossible to choose so I brought my favorite ones.

Our building had two wood fireplaces. I'm an early riser so I really enjoyed sitting here in the morning. Perfect place for reading and having my quiet time.

Here we're walking to the main building for a meal. We had a bit of a snow storm on the Saturday!

This photo is of the building next to ours. I forgot to take a photo of the one we stayed in but it was bigger than this one.

We shared our meals with a lovely bunch of Sweet Adelines! They sang a few songs for us.

These crazy gals would not be out-hatted by anyone and they also ate their dessert first!

A few are missing from this group shot but this was most of us.

Chocolate fondue....need I say more!

The food was delicious, these photos don't do it justice. There was an amazing variety and it was always plentiful.

My car was frozen shut so I couldn't get in on Sunday morning. I had to wait for it to melt!

Isn't this the most wonderful view? It's what I saw from my room as well as the main dining room. So peaceful and relaxing!

I made some awesome new friends that I can't wait to see again. So thankful that CHA put this on for us. I'll be posting again to tell you all about the classes I took from the amazing suppliers that were there!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, I feel like I only captured a small part of it. Wish I had photos for everything I felt!

  2. Perfectly captured, so well done my techie friend, good job!!!

    1. First time in my life I've been called techie! Thanks for your comment,
