Monday, July 25, 2011

Mixed Media/Collage (CHA Part 2)

He knows my Name
While at CHA I went to something called "Be Inspired- A Canadian Designer Look & Learn Special Event for Retailers"  Eight designers were given a box of supplies from 4 different sponsors. (Canvas Corp, DecoArt,  Loisirs Harmonie  and Tsukineko ) With the supplies, each designer had to come up with something and tell us all about it. Each participant was given the same box of supplies and although we had instructions for each designer project I decided to do my own thing!

Supplies, I still have enough for 20 projects!, fun, fun!

Luke 12:7

When looking at that bird I was reminded of how God looks after the sparrows and how much more important we are to Him.  The verse I think, goes perfectly with the title "He Knows my Name" which came to me after asking God what I should name it.  I was really excited when the next day (today!) I sat down to do my bible study and that very same verse was one that I had to read. I love it when God does that, I guess He's trying to tell me something! The study I am doing is  "lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free" Two of the truths I learned today are:
1-My value is not determined by what others think of me or what I think of myself. My value is determined by how God views me-and I am precious to Him!
2-By faith, I need to receive God's love for me. I naturally love myself; I need to deny myself and let God love others through me. 

Go read  Psalm 139 to understand "He Knows my Name"

And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. Luke 12:7 (NLT)

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