Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fruit of the Spirit Album

Fruit of the Spirit Album
I've been wanting to make a fruit of the spirit album/journal for a very long time now. I'm not sure why I waited so long, perhaps it is because I knew what kind of conviction it would bring~ I struggle with so many of these areas! Sure I LOVE, at least in my own way but not the way I'm suppose to love.  My love is usually conditional and self-serving. JOY- I have all I could ever want in this life yet joy is something that isn't natural to me. PEACE, I tell myself I have it but would I worry so much if I did? PATIENCE? I'm seriously not going there! KINDNESS....well I'm kind to a lot of people but...! What about my kids? Am I always kind to them? GOODNESS, do I really give the best of myself in every situation? And by what standards am I good? Mine or God's?  FAITHFULNESS, I've been working on this all year! Will God say about me "Marjolaine believed God so it was credited to her as righteousness"??? (Roman 4:1) GENTLENESS, another touchy one! I can be so gentle and loving one moment and the next so harsh with the words I use. And last but not least, SELF-CONTROL. I could write a book about all my short comings in that area! I think I have more temper tantrums than my two year old!  So that is why I waited but why now?  It's because I've realized I can't do any of it on my own.  It's a process and something I can only do with the power of the  Holy Spirit. It is a choice that I must make, to agree with God about who I am in Christ and then behave accordingly. Day by day as I practice this I can form good habits that will replace the bad ones. So there is hope for me after all!  Especially since  I am certain that God, who began the good work within you (and me!), will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.       Philippians 1:6

Of how I wish I knew the art of  art journaling! But for now these scribbles will have to do! I just had so much to write and it didn't all fit in the album so I added a few pages that I cut out of cardstock...

On this album I used dimentional paint from Ranger for the title on the cover, some stickles (Ranger), Crafter's Workshop 6x6 template (Mini Flower Frenzy) and my favorite Pearl paint dabber from Ranger. (Wish you could see the shiny pearl effect it has on this page...I'm working on my photography skills but I'm not improving fast!) I also used lots of mod podge and acrylic paint. The album , paper and chipboard (and rub-ons that I forgot to use) come from a Breezy Design kit. I have about 65 of them in stock if you're interested!

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