Thursday, October 27, 2011

Faith Blog Hop: Whom Shall I Fear?

Welcome to another blessed Faith Blog Hop.  This month we are focusing on the theme of Fear and we pray you find hope in the midst of any fear you may be experiencing.  Join us as we showcase the talent the Lord has given us through projects that reflect what we know about God.  The hop begins over at, so if you just happened to find this blog, make sure to go on over there first.  If you came from Nana's blog, you are in the right place!  Know that we are praying for you!

Here are the BRAVE and FEARLESS women that are participating this month:

Vicki -
...Carolyn -
Dolores -


This is Whom I have chosen to fear and why...

I was so excited when I heard we were doing a Faith Blog Hop about fear.  I thought, this is great, I know a little something about fear, and I have this super cute little album that I made a while ago with that topic in mind!  Being that I was very busy this month, I wasn't too sad about the fact that my project for this hop was already made and I had a story to go with it as well. Then yesterday I read the write-up about it and realized that this is about the fear of the Lord and not about the fear that I was thinking about. Needless to say, I don't have time to make a new project and write a different  story  so I've decided to go with it anyway!

I want to tell you that the fear of the Lord is the only fear that I want to have.  I learned the hard way what negative effects having fear in your life has.  A number of years ago I was a very sick woman. I won't get into all the details and talk about all the diseases I was struggling with  but I do want to focus on one of my health issues.  You see, I had allergies...doesn't sound too bad does it? Perhaps you're thinking that I sneezed a lot and had a runny nose? It wasn't like that.  I was allergic to almost all foods. I could eat plain chicken, plain rice (rice bread, ugh!) and a handful of fruits and vegetables. Just with dairy, corn and soya allergies you eliminate almost any man made food on the market.  Some of the symptoms that I experienced everyday as well as your typical ones were asthma, hives and digestion trouble that I would never want to describe on my blog!  There was a time when I didn't want to leave the house in fear that I would get "sick" in public. The physical pain would get so severe that I would beg God to let me die.  I also had seasonal (year round) allergies. The specialist told me I was "incompatible" with my environment... How can that be Lord? You made me to live on this earth did you not?  With every test I took, I would find out that I was getting worse. At this point I was starting to get anaphalactic reactions. I began to wonder how long I could go on without living in a bubble. 

 Then one day a friend gave me a book about the spiritual roots of some diseases. I skipped to the page that talked about allergies. According to this guy (Henry Wright) allergies are caused by FEAR, anxiety and stress. Well, I don't have a problem with fear, anxiety or stress so this guy is very wrong! But out of curiousity I continued to read.  I got to thinking that maybe I should investigate further. I sat down with my journal and prayed, "ok God, if there is fear in my life you're gonna have to tell me what it is cuz I don't see it!" And so He did! One after the other God showed me all the things that I was living in fear of. I wrote one per line on 4 pages! When I was done I put all those fears in God's hands, made the decision that I would not live in fear anymore. I also believed by faith that I had been healed.  I began to eat whatever I wanted and never took medication or allergy shots again. When a symptom came back I would ask God to show me what fear issue was behind it. He would show me, I would leave it with Him and the symptom would go. (I did this with my kids as well, they were also healed of allergies) Sometimes when it was more persistent I would recite out loud some of the bible verses that I've now put in this little album...
I choose to only fear God but on those days when I need a little help I fall back on these scriptures. If you'd like to read the verses in this book you can click on them to get a larger image, you can also read more about this album here

Thanks for stopping by.  For your next stop you have to hop on over to  Vicki's  blog.

Love in Christ,


  1. Wauw, thanks for sharing your story. Praise the Lord for healing you.
    Love the book you've made.


  2. I loved reading your testimony, your album is fabulous.

  3. I think your album fits perfectly and don't feel bad for mistaking the thought behind this blog because I did too. BUt I posted my thoughts anyway because that is what I was prepared to share and sometimes I think God works it out that way so that we ultimately share something that someone is needing to hear. You album is really did a great job..

  4. Thank you for sharing your story and your project :) lindaplusthree at yahoo dot com

  5. This is just such a beautiful book and you have such an awesome testimony! just goes to show that when we leave our fears in God's hands, he will take care of us 100%!

    many blessings,

  6. Such a powerful testimony Marjolaine! This book is gorgeous and what a perfect way to keep in memory your fears that God has helped you overcome not to mention the physical illness.

    rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com

  7. WHAT A TESTIMONY!! So exciting that this has happened in your life... :) Thank you so much for sharing this. You inspire me to continue to believe!

  8. I love this project and praise God for what is He is doing in your life!

  9. What a great project and your testimony is one of victory! I'll have to do that exercise because I'm sick right now! Patsy from

  10. WoW!!!! Please teach me how to make that mini album!!! Awesome! Awesome Testimony!

  11. Thanks ladies! And Tammy, I will try to find the instructions. It's not easy to figure out all the folds!

  12. Thank you for sharing your testimony, what an amazing god we have.
    Love the minibook as well, such a beautiful design.

  13. Simply wonderful! I love it. Great job. I love how God revealed to you through your friend what your fears were and how they affected your life. Praise God!!! TFS and hopping with us.

