Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rejoice in the simple things.

I made this layout last December for Canadian Scrapbooker's "It's a sketchy challenge"  I really enjoyed doing it and was thinking I'd like to do it more. Would any of you like to join me? I used mostly Canadian product on this page, this collection is from Harmonie.
I really love the poem I chose for this page. It suits our son so well. Jacob is very easy going and notices the smallest details.  He is often deep in thought over things that the rest of us overlook. My favourite thing on this layout is the tree. Although Harmonie is now putting all their effort into stamps, I still have a lot of their chipboard in my store so I will have the pleasure of using it for a little while longer! I covered the whole thing with beads and glossy accents. I just love how it turned out! My little fox is so adorable, he makes me smile!  He's made from a Harmonie sticky shape. (sticky on both sides) I simply covered it in glitter. It's not as hard as it looks since the stickers peel off in sections so I got the  glitter exactly where I wanted it.

Here is the sketch for April...there is still time to do it. If you do, make sure to uploaded it at Canadian Scrapbooker You don't have to be canadian to participate!


  1. Amazing layout! I love the theme of "getting back to basics," and your work here just reinforces that path! ;-)

    1. Thank you Kay, I really enjoyed putting this one together!

  2. Hi Melanie, you can e-mail your question at
