Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ashes to Beauty

I have been taking this course and it is truly life changing! Nana is having a "name your price" this week...this is a $600 course so if finances were holding you back for this, now's your chance! Go on over to see Nana Campana and begin this amazing journey,

As an artist you have been entrusted with the gift of seeing the world through a different lens… It is YOU that has the power to make or break your world- and as long as you keep choosing to “FIT-IN” – the world keeps missing out on your beauty. Your talent is unique – and God placed it there so that you would lead others to Him through it.

Have you ever felt as though there is so much more to life than what you are currently experiencing?
Have you ever thought to yourself: “This thing is WAY bigger than me!”
… that’s because it IS!

Until when will you conform to this world?

Until when will you choose to sit in the midst of your ashes?

The world needs you to step up to the plate!

The world needs you to dream it – create it – make it happen!
(and before you tell me otherwise – YES YOU CAN!)

The Bible says that you can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you!

Let me help you discover the path He has already traced for you and ebcourage you to walk in it. Let me shine some light into the areas you have left unkept. Let me prove to you that indeed HIS Word is true – and that it can be so much better than what it is right now.

I invite you to stop surviving and to start thriving!!
*to live outloud
*to live passionately and purposefully
I invite you to step from the ashes of the world into the beauty of the Lord.

What is Ashes to Beauty?
Ashes to Beauty is a journey of healing, self-discovery, and more importantly God-discovery. It is meant to allow you to become very clear on who God is, who you are in Him, as well as the purpose you have in order that you finally stop surviving and you dare to start thriving in Him.

What are the benefits Ashes to Beauty offers:
*The lies that are keeping you from realizing your purpose will be uncovered.
*You will understand what your strengths and your weaknesses are in order to learn how to maximize on your strengths.
*You will learn how your personality was precisely given to you in order that you would fulfill His purpose for your life.
*You will discover the revolution you were meant to lead, and get the tools to actually get it rolling into action.
*Infused Creativity – Used the very talents you have been given to discover yourself, your purpose, your ministry, your business.
*Practical Tools to make your dreams become a concrete reality
*Permission to finally blossom with boldness and authority
*Accountability and guidance towards your personal and business goals

Who is the Ashes to Beauty For?
Although many women can definitely benefit from a journey into beauty, I must admit that not all are ready for the process. With that being said, this program is meant for the creative and passionate woman that longs to ground herself into the role God created her to fulfill.
*Women that are fed up with the status quo and are willing to challenge it
*Women that have resolved to do whatever it takes to become who they were created to be
*Women who do not feel they have to walk around giving excuses for what they want to do
*Women that have already embarked on a creative business and need tools to take it to another level
*Women that have considered starting a creative business but have not taken the leap for lack of knowledge
*Women that simply know that were made for something big and are ready to BRING IT ON!

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