Thursday, May 24, 2012

Creative Biz Tool Kit

This is an amazing opportunity, go on over to see Nana Campana to sign-up! Here is the write-up on her website,

There are so many women that have the talent, the skills, and the ideas, but lack the push to face their fears and take the leap of making their dreams a reality! Time and time again I see it-
Women that:
  • are paralyzed by fear and never dare to take the leap towards achieving their dreams
  • set themselves up for failure because they simply are afraid of failure and never move forward
  • desire to become successful and have no idea how to get there
  • convince themselves that they will never make it, so they do not try

Eighty percent of success is showing up. – Woody Allen

After working with several women in getting them acquainted with:
  • WHO they were created to be…
  • the design they had been given…
  • and the purpose they were meant to fulfill

I realized that the main reasons why they found themselves lost was FEAR and LACK of KNOWLEDGE.

I am tired of seeing women settle, just because they do not KNOW how to do something and are too afraid to get it!
I am tired of seeing powerful women hide behind their fears acting as though their lives have reached the peak!
I am tired of watching amazing talent hindered because somewhere down the line it became easier to remain mediocre than to fail while trying.
Are you ready to leap out of fear’s skin while choosing to intentionally complete the goals you have set out to do?

If so, the Creative Biz Tool-Kit is for you!

The Creative Biz Tool-Kit is a series of daily lessons meant to ignite in you the
  • BOLDNESS you crave
  • PASSION you have been quenching
  • PURPOSE you have been given
  • REVOLUTION you were meant to bring
  • DISCIPLINE you need
The program is made up of 4 weeks of short daily lessons available to you in a unique online classroom AND 2 phone calls a week. There you will find:
  • PRACTICAL WORKSHEETS and tools to walk you from where you are at, to where you want to be
  • COMMUNITY of like-minded creatives that will support your dreams AND help you spread them into the world
  • TIPS & TRICKS to make your dreams of starting a creative business, a ministry, a blog, or just about anything you have desired to do

Even if you have never thought of opening a business, EVERYTHING presented in this course can be helpful to you if you
  • are paralyzed by fear and never dare to take the leap towards achieving your dreams
  • set yourself up for failure because you simply are afraid
  • desire to become successful and have no idea how to get there
  • convince yourself that you will never make it, so you do not try

Here is the Curriculum:
Week 1: Build Your Foundation
Day 1: Fundamentals of a Well-Built Business
Day 2: Decide to Commit
Day 3: So Many Things To Do
Day 4: Manage Your Time
Day 5-7: Your Revolution
Weekly Project Instructions:

Week 2: Build Your Personality & Meet Your Audience
Day 8: Dig Deeper into You-What Makes You Special
Day 9: It’s All About Where You Stand
Day 10: Get to Know Your Business- Its Personality
Day 11-12: Get to Know Your Ideal Customer
Days 13 and 14: Week #2 Recap and Challenge
Weekly Project Instructions

Week 3: Build Your Presence
Day 15: Claim Your Website
Day 16: To Blog or Not to Blog
Day 17: Mailing Lists- Do you have one?
Day 18: Social Proof: How to Get it.
Day 19: What’s Your Story?
Days 20 & 21: Week 3 Recap and Challenge
Weekly Project Instructions

Week 4: Build Your Offerings
Day 22: What will Your Products Be?
Day 23: Why Sell When You Can Pre-Sell?
Day 24: Marketing Does Not Have To Cost a Fortune: Intro to Content Marketing
Day 25: Pricing Your Product
Day 26: Your First Sale
Days 27 & 28: Week 3 Recap and Challenge
Weekly Project Instructions

WHY the Creative Biz Tool Kit?

1. Lessons are created with your comfort and your talents in mind. Delivered via an audio, video, + interactive worksheets presented in a classroom setting. They are set up to get you moving and crafting the life you were created to have.
2. Creative Biz Tool Kit is NOT just a class. It is a program meant to encourage to begin and complete a journey successfully! You will not be left to your own devices to learn how to implement and master the art of successfully taking the next step. I work side-by-side with you on the LIVE group coaching calls!
3. Accountability is the key to getting out of our pits, and it is built into the Creative Biz Tool Kit! You don’t need more theories or more positivie thinking on how you can reach your purpose. You need tools, an action, and execution!
4. You’re not going through this journey alone! The other Creative Geniuses and I are encouraging you every step of the way! We’re facing our challenges together, giving each other luxurious support, feedback and the visibility we all need to get success!
5. All LIVE group coaching calls are recorded and you will have access to them.
6. Proven techniques. Every lesson is a step I have taken myself and found it to be successful. I’m giving you the same tools that had me go from non-existent to being successful.

NO Creative Genius LEFT BEHIND!
If you come to all the LIVE group coaching calls and do all of your homework you will achieve results! Guaranteed!
If not, I will cheerfully refund all of your money! (You will be required to show me all of your completed assignments)

Frequently Asked Questions & Concerns

* I Can’t Afford The Program
This has been one of the biggest concerns I have heard, and I can honestly say that it is one that I, myself, truly understand. When choosing the price of the program I prayed and made the decision to go with the option the Lord placed in my heart. He showed me that the things that we value the most are the things that cost us the most. Then I remembered that in my own life the classes and programs I have taken for minimal fees are the ones that I NEVER completed. The price I chose is one that I know will cause you to commit to the journey, while also being a lesser cost when compared to the life changing value the program will bring to you.

* I Have Tons Going On! How much time will this take?

The very reason why you have not found your passion, gotten clarity about your purpose, and really experienced the path God has created you for is because you have NOT given it priority! You and i both know that everything else you may say is just an excuse! If you want to experience everything the Lord created you to be and you want to actually fulfill your ministry with the confidence and freedom He designed for you to have – you just HAVE to make time.

Here is the actual time commitment for this program:
1.5 hours: Preparation for Class
1.5 hours: 1 Live Class
1.25 hours: Facebook posting (about 15 minutes a day)
4.25 hours per week x 4 weeks= 17 hours

If you cannot commit to give yourself 17 hours to finally make your dreams of starting your biz or your ministry and make them successful, then this program is not for you.

* How Do I Know I Am Ready To Embark In This Journey?

Well, have you dreamed of turning your hobby into a business, but are just lost on WHAT to do? Have you decided I want to do “THAT”, but can’t seem to make it happen? Do you feel it is time to make a change, but you find yourself a bit hesitant because of the unknown? I understand the hesitancy of change. It is the one thing that humans do not do well with (for the most part). You are afraid of the unknown – and many times you rather stay in the uncomfortable than to move towards the “THING” that makes your heart come alive. If you agree with the statements described below then you are ready to take on this journey head on!

*Women that are fed up with the status quo and are willing to challenge it
*Women that have resolved to do whatever it takes to make their dreams come alive
*Women who do not feel they have to walk around giving excuses for what they want to do
*Women that simply know that were made for something big and are ready to BRING IT ON!

* How Will I Access The Content of the Program If I Am Out Of Town?

The program is entirely based online – except for the 1 phone call a week that happens over the phone. So if you have a phone and access to the internet, you will be able to complete the assignments. In any case that you cannot make one of the calls, the calls will be recorded and made available to you for future reference.

Creative Biz Tool Kit is
June 1-June 30
+++++++++ ONLY 30 SPOTS WILL BE OPENED++++++++++
Payment Options:
Full Payment- $97 (Early Bird Pricing: $47 – only available until May 27th)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds quite empowering! Thanks for sharing the information!
