Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Freedom Part One

Hi again, I know I already blogged today but my sweet friend Anita Van Hal just gave me one of her digital sets to download and since they are "Patriotic" I really wanted to share them today on July 4th! I know that I am not American but the idea of freedom gets me really excited!  I have been set free of so many things but sometimes I choose to live as a prisoner or a slave. These bible verses are ones that I have memorized and  hold on to  for dear life when  things are hard and I'm not walking in the freedom that I have been given. I think I might make a journal page for every verse in the bible that talks about freedom. It will be a great way to keep reminding myself that I am free indeed! I plan on printing these out and writing on them. Anita has many sets for sale, I highly recommend them as she does such beautiful work. Happy "freedom" day my friends!


  1. Hi Marjolaine! What a beautiful idea! I love what you came up with...the Bible verses are what make your pages so lovely! I agree with you about freedom...even though you weren't born here, you definitely have the correct idea about freedom! It is something I hold quite dear! Thank you for sharing!!!

  2. Beautiful creativity on both Anita's part and yours! Loved viewing your second post! ;-)
