Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Prima Mini Album on Display

Hello blogger friends,

As I continue to work on my first online class I'm pulling some older projects to blog about. It feels like forever ago that I made this album! It all started last September with a plan to make a simple acrylic display that I had seen done by Heidi Swapp but I couldn't find the pieces for it anywhere. Who knew that finding binder mechanisms would be so hard!  Since I had already advertised my class as being an album on display I couldn't change my mind and had to have a new plan fast. Just a few days before the class, I was still in a panic going from store to store looking for what a needed. With no time left I bought a bunch of frames at the dollar store and asked my husband to drill holes in them.

To prepare for my class I smeared some paint on all the frames to distress them and I attached the album with ties that I found in the garage. I was so pleased with the result, this album remains one of my favorite mistakes!

The class was a great success and so many people complimented me on it that I started to wonder if it was good enough to have published. I had been dreaming about being in a magazine but didn't believe I was good enough. I decided to go to the Northridge Publishing page where they list their calls. I was hoping that my album would fit in one of the categories. To my major surprise they had a call for albums on display! A few days later I was dancing for joy when I received a happy email requesting my album for a publication!

So the moral of my story is...don't worry if your plans don't work out, there might be something way better coming your way. Also, be yourself! When I first brought these frames home I was  thinking it was a weird idea and thought nobody would like it. That's just the thing with me. I always worry that my ideas are weird but in the end, being myself is what has been bringing me success. So here's to me being me...and loving it!

What strange ideas do you have? Go for it!!!


  1. I love the album! After my trip to South Africa I will have lots of pictures (I am sure) and inspiration for something funky! Will have to pop over to your home for some crazy creating then!
