Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Believe You Are Good Enough 2014

Hello blogger friends,
I wanted to share with you the topic I spoke on at the designer round tables at the CHA mega show. This is a topic that is close to my heart and I have come to realize that I am not alone. I created this image to give to all the ladies who came to my table. Each one of them was very special to me. I will cherish those two hours for a long time. It is my sincere desire for each one of the them to step out and run after their dreams and I hope that they will!

Here are my notes from that day, I hope they encourage you to be the best you!

"You are good enough" Getting past your fears of not measuring up in the designer world.

For too long I dreamed of being a designer but never thought I was good enough. I was always looking at others and comparing myself thinking I could never get there. Being myself has been so freeing! With this new found freedom I was able start getting published, become a CHA designer, work for a magazine etc...I was even on TV a few times this year. All of this happened because I stopped comparing myself to others and began to believe I was good enough... I know some well established designers still don't feel like they measure up, it's time to believe in ourselves!

Here are some tips to help you along.
Take more chances and you'll succeed more often
Follow your passion even if you think it's strange and unpopular. Your uniqueness will help you succeed.
Be yourself, it's easier than trying to be someone else.
Define who you are.
Act like the person you want to be.
Get a mentor
Follow people who inspire you to be the best you can be.
Be willing to do the grunt work.
Keep your enthusiasm even when you get rejected.
Don't compare yourself with others.

Ask yourself:

What are my biggest dreams?
What do I have to offer?
What are my goals?
What needs to happen to achieve those goals?
(Break down your to-do list for achieving your goals. Make them bite size and measurable.
Work on your goals everyday even if you can only commit a short amount of time.)

What lies am I believing and what fear is holding me back?
What negative thoughts am I having? What is the truth? What are my friends telling me that I refuse to believe?

My goal is to teach women to fearlessly live a life without comparison and embracing their beautiful uniqueness.

Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.” Galatians 6:5 The Message

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your notes, Marjolaine! I was at the Roundtables but time ran out before I made it to yours. Such good advice here.., much appreciated!
