Friday, February 7, 2014

Open the Door

Hello blogger friends,

Today I mostly just want to show you the art work from my second lesson in my Identity Study.

It's not that I didn't learn a lot from today's study, I even took a ton of notes and was blessed by the lesson. The reason I'm not saying much is because the one thing that keeps coming back to me is open the door. One of the study question was referring to our lives being like a house with many rooms and whether we allowed God into all the rooms. My answer was simply no. As much as I would love to join others in worship  while they sing I Surrender All, I just can't do it because I know it would be a lie. It's not that I purposely shut God out of certain areas either. It just feels impossible to open those doors. The sad thing is that true freedom will never come until I do.
So I am once again committing to opening those doors even if it's dark and scary back there. This time I'm determined not to run away and hide. How about you, are you ready to take that step?

He opens doors no man can close and closes doors no man can open. Revelation 3

Free Vintage Digi Stamps: gypsy girl digital paper

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