Friday, June 15, 2012

Finish What You Start Friday

I've decided that not only am I going to shrink my pile of left-overs on Why Waste Wednesday but now I intend to shrink my pile of unfinished projects on Finish What You Start Friday. Be honest,  you probably  have a few of these too! Many of my unfinished layouts only need journaling while other projects will need a lot more time and energy. This bad habit is not contained to my craft room either. Sadly, it spills over in all areas of my life. It's not that I can't finish them, I work incredibly well under pressure and I always meet deadlines. The problem arises when I'm just doing something for myself. Last December I decided to write a book. I wrote five chapters and figured at that rate it would be done in a month. The problem is, I never touched it again.  I have 3/4 of a scarf knitted, 1/2 a cross-stitch project going, (that I will never finish because I don't want too!) tole painting pieces that need shading (I think I'll give those a whole new "mixed-media" life) and not to mention all those layouts that I have started and never finished. (and the list goes on and on and on...)  I guess I need accountability so here I am, giving the whole world permission to call me on this if I don't keep this up!

 For this layout all I needed to do to finish it was add a photo and the journaling yet it sat on my desk for 3 months! Five minutes of my attention and it can get off my workspace and into my album! I think the reason I waited so long was because I knew I wanted this photo for it but I couldn't find it.
I used the Aiko Collection from My Little Shoebox  I absolutely love the diecut sheet of rolled  flowers!

These mini pearls add a little something to these flowers that just excites me. I know, it doesn't take much!


  1. I come to your blog from the Moxie Fab World Blog Roll and has chosen your blog for me!
    What a beautiful blog!

  2. Marjolaine, have you been peeking into my scrap loft? Have you seen my unfinished projects? Strangely, I awoke this morning thinking that today (ok, it's Monday) would be a good day to finish at least *some* of them. Thanks for this timely reminder!

    1. Get started Kay, it's amazing how just 15 minutes a week can help you get things done, and it feels sooooo good to finish things! Feel free to post pics of your finished projects up on my facebook page, I'd love to see them!
