Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Identity Study

Hi blogger friends, yesterday I started a new bible study called Identity: a study in Ephesians. Without giving you a sermon, I want to tell you about a few points that spoke to me as well as show you the art work that I made to go with the lesson.

To my surprise, we didn't start our study of Ephesians in the book of Ephesians, instead we started in 1 Samuel. It makes perfect sense, believe me!

Here are some of the things that got my attention in the passages that I read:

1 Samuel 8 God's people had it all and yet still wanted to be like other nations even if it was bad for them. (and God let them have their way) How many times has God let me have my way and I've lost what was truly best for me?

1 Samuel 9:14-21 Almighty God was calling Saul out TO BE KING but all Saul cared about was FINDING HIS LOST DONKEYS!  As ridiculous as that sounds, I have to ask myself this: Am I missing out on something great because I'm too busy doing something else that isn't what I'm suppose to be doing? Am I "looking for donkeys" instead of fulfilling the amazing plans that Gad has for me?

1 Samuel 9:21 Saul didn't think he was GOOD ENOUGH to be king. (I'll be giving you a "good enough" talk soon!)

1 Samuel 10:1-2 Has the Lord not anointed you?  This is the passage I used for my journal page. It's a reminder that if God has called me to something, then I must trust that he will give me what I need to follow through with it.

1 Samuel 10:22 When came the time for Saul to be introduced to the people he hid himself among the supplies. (or baggage)

The question is, am I hiding among the baggage of my old life? Are you?

The answer for me is that sometimes I do hide among the baggage and worse, sometimes I hid in it!

I made the following image to remind myself that I no longer live there.

 My journal page is digital...for no other reason than my studio is too messy to work in!

Yes he has! I hope some of you will join me on this journey, to find our identities! 

Products I used on my page: 

Gypsy Girl: The Graphics Fairy
Crown and Ephemera: Jessica Sprague
Butterfly brushes: Design Reviver


  1. Oh my! What an amazing post. Thank you so much for being part of the study.

    1. thank you for putting this study on Bernice. It couldn't of come at a better time and I appreciate all the work you put into it.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Carolyn, I'm loving doing the study with you!
