Friday, May 30, 2014

Finish What You Start Friday House Shadow Box

Hello blogger friends, 

As I continue on my journey to freedom, one of the things that I'm tackling is to finish what I've started. I have a mountain of unfinished projects and I'm either going to finish them or get rid of them. It's one or the other. Some projects I'm excited to work on or they have a purpose. Those I'll keep. Uncompleted scrapbook pages from ten years ago? Not so much! Those I'll get rid of.  Last week-end I sorted through many scrapbooking kits that I had put together a long time ago. I no longer liked any of them so I donated a lot of the product. In my quest to finish what I start, I'm also finding freedom in getting rid of piles that create so much clutter. Oh, the freedom! If you can't relate to this then I applaud you but I think many of you understand exactly what I'm talking about!

This week's Finish What You Start Friday project is something I started about two years ago  in a Maya Road class. The project was designed and taught by Lisa Pace. We had plenty of time to finish it in class but I didn't. 

I've had good intentions about this one. All the supplies were in a large ziplock bag and I brought it with me at every single crop that I went to because...I was going to finish it.

And finally, I did!

I smiled when I saw the little butterfly with the words "she is free" on it. I didn't know it then but I know it now.

What project is nagging at you to finish it? Commit today and get finishing. The feeling you'll get will be amazing. If it's a bigger project, break it down into smaller tasks to do everyday. Soon enough it will be done! I'd love to hear all about what project you'll finish,
 leave me a comment and tell me all about it.

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